Achmea combines its mortgage activities

Tilburg - Achmea wants to focus on growth in mortgages. Consequently, Achmea proposes to combine its operational mortgage activities. For Achmea Bank this means transferring its mortgage operations from Tilburg to Amsterdam, allowing the group’s operational mortgage activities to be concentrated at one location. These activities are currently spread over various Achmea locations.
Economies of scale and the pooling of knowledge will allow Achmea to provide even better service to its customers with appropriate and sustainable mortgage solutions. In this way, Achmea will enhance its strengths in the housing and mortgage markets.
Achmea is today taking a first step on this by combining its operational mortgage activities. In addition to modernising and developing its mortgage products, Achmea is focusing on granting and managing mortgages.
Achmea is today taking a first step on this by combining its operational mortgage activities. In addition to modernising and developing its mortgage products, Achmea is focusing on granting and managing mortgages.