
Achmea Bank has a governance structure that complies with laws and regulations and is in line with the governance of the Achmea group. There is an internal risk management system. The Managing Board and the Supervisory Board supervise correct compliance.


Achmea Bank is organized in a way that good governance and effective supervision are guaranteed. Integrity, transparency and accountability are embedded in our corporate governance and business activities. We ensure effective risk management, comply with all relevant laws and regulations and we are transparent to stakeholders and market participants.

Shareholder structure

Achmea Bank is part of Achmea. All shares are therefore held by Achmea B.V. The shareholder structure can be represented as follows.

Legal structure

Achmea Bank has its registered office in The Hague, where it is entered in the register of companies kept by the Chamber of Commerce under number 27154399. Our office is located in Tilburg.

Achmea Bank is licensed to provide financial services by the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank) and is registered with the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit FinanciĆ«le Markten)  under number 12000011. Our banking licence permits us to offer financial services in accordance with the Dutch Financial Supervision Act (Wet Financieel Toezicht).

Achmea Bank N.V. is the legal successor of Hypotheekbank N.V., Achmea Retail Bank N.V. and Levob Bank N.V. The Articles of Association of Achmea Bank N.V., as most recently amended by a deed of amendment executed before W.H.Bossenbroek, civil-law notary practising at Amsterdam, on 30 May 2014 can be downloaded by following the link below.


Achmea Bank is subject to supervision by the Dutch Central Bank (DNB) and the Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM). DNB is responsible for safeguarding financial stability and overseeing the soundness of financial institutions. The AFM is responsible for overseeing the conduct of financial institutions.

Management structure

Achmea Bank has a 'two-tier management system', with an Managing Board and a Supervisory Board. The Managing Board is responsible for day-to-day management of the business. The Supervisory Board oversees the Managing Board..

Governance documents