Mission and strategy

We are part of Achmea. Our mission, strategy and identity are therefore strongly connected with Achmea. And with our Centraal Beheer and Woonfonds brands.


Achmea Bank believes that everyone should have the financial opportunities to lead a comfortable life, now and in the future. Together with our business partners we offer financial solutions for retirement and the purchase of a house. We offer customers simple and transparent mortgage and savings products and retail investment services. 


Achmea aims to be a leading player in retirement services in response to social and demographic trends and anticipating a shift to more individualized need for retirement solutions. Achmea strongly positioned itself in this market and offers consumers integrated propositions consisting of pension solutions, together with asset management, savings, investment and mortgages products.

Achmea Bank plays a key role in the retirement services strategy of Achmea. Our products form a critical component of the retirement services and of the solutions offered by the Achmea brands. Our mortgage & savings products and investment services are sold using two respected and well-known brand’s Centraal Beheer and Woonfonds.

We are the competence and service center for mortgage, retail savings products and investment services within Achmea. We originate and service mortgages for both the balance sheets of Achmea Bank and Achmea Pensioen & Leven N.V. (AP&L). And we provide the expertise in the fields of product management, balance sheet management, risk management and compliance.

We aim to have processes that contribute to a high level of customer satisfaction and to be competitive in terms of costs Customers expect outstanding service quality, simple and intuitive processes, 24/7 availability, self-service, transparency of products and pricing, personalization and tailoring and a consistent experience across channels.


At Achmea Bank, we pay a lot attention to a culture in which customer interest is central. This not only concerns customer friendliness and customer satisfaction, but also the offering of simple products and excellent and reliable service.

Our employees are honest, knowledgeable and professional. The duty of care towards the customer is anchored in our culture. This is an integral part of our identity, vision and daily business operations, where the interests of all stakeholders are taken into account.

Our core values are 'professional, together and result-oriented. That is what distinguishes us in our way of working.